What's your personal energy cycle?
A tool for working with your soul's timing & energy plus upcoming events and offerings
It’s cold here 🥶—in the single digits (Fahrenheit) over the last few days.
I’ve been feeling the push-pull of wanting to emerge and go, while also still very much dreaming in the womb-cave of the Sacred Earth Mother.
Part of this has to do with my own personal energy cycle, which runs a bit differently than the solar year cycle.
Our personal solar year begins with our solar return, which is usually on (or a day before or after) our birthday. That’s like our personal New Moon phase of the year, except it’s a “new sun.”
Mine begins in mid-October.
By the time mid-January rolls around, I’m experiencing my solar square or sun-square-natal sun. In non-astrology terms that’s like a First Quarter moon phase: time to assess, review, adjust for obstacles, and make some choices. It’s about deciding what stays and what goes. What wants to be brought to fullness and ripening at the Solar opposition in mid-April.
The solar opposition is like the Full Moon phase of our year. It’s the bloom point or full flowering culmination of our personal year.
Then we move into the waning part of our personal solar year, down to the last quarter or closing-square phase, which you might already have determined what that would be in my case: mid-July.
This time period is where we start to close the books and reap the harvest.
There’s a lot more nuance than this short writing allow for, and more phases to work with than just the four quarters. But I’ve given you great starting point.
Of course, for you, the timing will be different, depending on when your solar return is. Wherever your birthday is will give you an idea of this cycle for you personally. Play with it; see how it works and feels in your body.
I want to thank Bronwyn Simons, an astrologer extraordinaire, for shining a light on the potency of this technique three years ago, encouraging me to work with it in my business.
I’ve been working with the personal solar year ever since and it has been one of the most helpful tools to understanding my own energy cycle and is incredibly helpful in the planning of my business and offerings.
Especially if you’re an artist, a creative, writer, small business owner, solo-preneur or someone who has a little flexibility in their schedule, this can be a massively impactful tool.
Even if you work a 9-to-5 though, this can illuminate one influence in your internal rhythm and you can choose how you want to honor that for yourself.
If you’d like help understanding the nuances of this technique, we can discover your personal solar cycle together and learn about what the year holds for you when we look at the upcoming transits or solar return.
I’m currently booking new soul astrology and flower essence clients. Visit me over on my website and scroll down to see the three options available.
I shared a short video clip on IG, which I’ll share here, where I briefly describe the overall theme and energetic of 2025.
Btw - speaking of birthdays, I love them! I think it might be a Libra thing. Either way, I love celebrating. I personally have a birthday month usually, and this past birthday I actually extended it to a season 😂. So I’d love to hear about yours. What month is it? When does your personal Solar Year begin? Let me know in the comments.
Much love,
P.S. Guess who’s birthday is next month? I will definitely be celebrating, so keep an eye out for details because whatever festivities I plan, you will be invited.
And to my Secret Gardeners aka Paid Subscribers—I will be asking your opinion for what kind of events and fun experiences you’d like to have. Stay tuned.
And no, I am not going to leave you hanging!
The answer is that next month is the third birthday of Initiation: My Faery Soul Awakening
If you haven’t had yet heard about my book, it’s a spiritual memoir detailing how I came to be working with the Faery Otherworld. More than that, though, it’s an honest account of the journey of awakening and does not skimp on spotlighting the naivety and excruciating soul lessons along the way.
Upcoming Events & Offerings
We are at a pivotal time in Earth’s history when we are being invited into deeper kinship with the plants and the land itself as a way to heal and transform at the deepest levels of our being in preparation for the incoming energies and initiatory cycles.
Join Emma and Diomira for a provocative discussion of the mythic doorways that exist within the living land to the Otherworld. The discussion will be enriched by their personal stories and tracings of their journeys over time that have led them to connect with and embrace their own mythic origin as a source of wisdom, direction, and belonging in the modern world.
This is a local community offering for women. Next circle is Feb 23. Please register in advance. Limited spaces available.
About Diomira Rose D’Agostino
I have witnessed how nature’s medicine blesses, heals, nourishes from the inside out.
As modern humans we are mostly starved. Many of us have developed ways of being that make us feel cut off from our true selves. We have forgotten who we are at a soul level.
All the offerings and containers of experience I create, are born out of the depth of my heartfelt gratitude for the healing and transformative aliveness I have experienced as a result of my own deep inner work, relationship with the spiritual forces of the land, working with the initiatory and planetary cycles, and healing with the flower & earth essences.
As a Soul Path Mentor & Guide, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, Soul Astrologer, Spirit Worker, and Plant Spirit Ceremonialist, I have been sharing this medicine with others for over a decade. (you can read more about my work and my qualifications here).
This sounds amazing Diomira!! Understanding the invitations of the planetary cycles with guidance and flower support!! Swoon 🌸