Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
30. [Pearls of Enchantment] Journeying to the Spirit Realms & the Art of Spiritual Practice with Alexandria Sciarappa

30. [Pearls of Enchantment] Journeying to the Spirit Realms & the Art of Spiritual Practice with Alexandria Sciarappa

Join Diomira Rose D'Agostino and Alexandria Sciarappa in this enlightening episode of The Elemental Whispers Podcast, as we delve into the nuanced world of spirit journeying ๐Ÿš€and personal practice. In our second installment of "Pearls of Enchantment," we explore the delicate balance between following established protocols ๐Ÿ“œ and embracing the unique dance of personal spiritual experience. From late-night spirit ally visits ๐Ÿ‰ to the transformative power of commitment, this episode is a deep dive into the evolution of our spiritual practices. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the path, prepare to be inspired by stories of growth๐ŸŒฑ, discipline, and the magic ๐ŸŒŸ of discovering your unique spiritual artistry.

Show Notes:

  1. ๐ŸŒ™ Spiritual Practice in Daily Life: Diomira shares a personal experience about a late-night visit from a spirit ally and how it led to an impromptu spirit journey.

  2. Journeying and Protocols: Alexandria and Diomira discuss the balance between adhering to shamanic safety protocols and following one's intuition.

  3. ๐ŸŒˆ The Evolution of Practice: They explore how practices evolve over time, moving from strict adherence to a more personalized approach.

  4. Teachers and Lineages: The conversation touches on the importance of teachers, respecting lineages, and the journey to developing one's own methods.

  5. ๐ŸŒผEmpowerment of Mothers in Spirituality: A special focus on empowering mothers in their spiritual practices, highlighting the role of flower essences and feminine spiritual paths.

  6. The Power of Commitment and Community: Insights into the importance of commitment to foundational practices and the role of community in spiritual growth.

  7. ๐Ÿ“šDiomira's Book "Initiation": Alexandria highlights the impact of Diomira's book on her own journey, emphasizing the power of storytelling in spiritual awakening.

To discover our sacred body of work or explore working with us in private healing sessions, courses, ceremony and journeys, visit our individual websites:



Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
Through sacred story, encoded transmissions, real-life sharings and experiences from myself and others living the Path of Embodied Mythic Reality, this podcast is a gift from my heart to re-enchant your life and thus re-enchant the world into healed wholeness.
The Earth has been singing to each of us, inviting us into her Co-creative Dream, inviting us to REMEMBER. The song she sings in The Ancient Language Without Words is calling us home to ourselves to remember who we are on a soul and spirit level. To remember ourselves into Wholeness and Connection with Gaiaโ€™s sacred ecology.
If we listen well to these Elemental Whispers, we may find ourselves sung into a sacred dance of love and joyful living within the Ancient Forest at the Heart of the Living World.
May the Mysteries of Earth sing you home to your Enchanted Heart once again.