Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
Are You Listening? Mercury Retrograde, Liminal Messages, & Travel Tales

Are You Listening? Mercury Retrograde, Liminal Messages, & Travel Tales

course date change announcement below

In this episode, I invite you on a reflective journey with me through the most recent Mercury Retrograde, emphasizing the beauty and depth of this misunderstood astrological event. I discuss Mercury's role as the cosmic messenger and the significance of his retrograde cycle, particularly the powerful stationing phase, when this planet changes direction.

You do not have to know anything about astrology to enjoy the information I share. It’s a worthy contemplation for anyone who is interested in the overarching energies and how to work with them in an empowering way to chart your own destiny as opposed to being cast about by the winds of change (or stuck due to lack of wind!).

Interwoven with these insights are personal reflections on my recent ancestral pilgrimage to France, where I explore the sacred practice of listening to the land and its stories. The episode invites you to embrace the wisdom of Mercury’s cycle and use these retrograde, stationing (change of direction) and shadow periods to revisit, rethink, and refine your thoughts and intentions.

Like me, for example, when I realized it was actually much more aligned to start the Sacred Sites & Quests of the Soul course in October!

New dates October 30 – December 4, 2024
link to course below.

Of course now Mercury is officially direct and clarity is coming back online for some of us. Others may have to wait until he clears his shadow (goes beyond the degree he turned retrograde at).

You can check out the show notes below for links to things I mentioned in the episode.

Blessings dear ones,


Show notes & resources

Check out my Substack

My Mythic France Journey secret video series
for Secret Gardeners only (paid subscribers)
paid subscriptions start as low as $8 / month
Ep 1: My Mythic France Journey

Buy my magickal travel memoir book
Initiation: My Faery Soul Awakening

Sacred Sites & Quests of the Soul
October 30 – December 4, 2024

Discussion about this podcast

Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
The Earth has been singing to each of us, inviting us into her Co-creative Dream, inviting us to REMEMBER. The song she sings is calling us home to ourselves to remember who we are on a soul and spirit level. To remember ourselves into Wholeness and Connection with Gaia’s sacred ecology.
If we listen well to these Elemental Whispers, we may find ourselves sung into a sacred dance of love and joyful living within the Heart of the Living World.
This podcast is a gift of personal stories, mythic weavings, otherworld adventures to re-enchant your life and thus re-enchant the world into healed wholeness.
May the Mysteries of Earth sing you home to your Enchanted Heart once again.
diomira.substack.com (https://diomira.substack.com)