Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
24. Essence Store Closing

24. Essence Store Closing

UPDATE: Elemental Whispers Essences are no longer available for retail purchase. If working with the essence calls to you, please check out my 1:1 and group container offerings and journeys. www.diomirarose.com/

Essences will continue to be offered via private 1:1 work and group containers. 

To explore current offerings, visit: https://diomirarose.com/

So much gratitude to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Deepest honor, love, and gratitude to the essences and the amazing beings, spirit allies, and other energies who have allowed me to work with them and share them. 

Discussion about this podcast

Diomira Rose
Elemental Whispers
The Earth has been singing to each of us, inviting us into her Co-creative Dream, inviting us to REMEMBER. The song she sings is calling us home to ourselves to remember who we are on a soul and spirit level. To remember ourselves into Wholeness and Connection with Gaia’s sacred ecology.
If we listen well to these Elemental Whispers, we may find ourselves sung into a sacred dance of love and joyful living within the Heart of the Living World.
This podcast is a gift of personal stories, mythic weavings, otherworld adventures to re-enchant your life and thus re-enchant the world into healed wholeness.
May the Mysteries of Earth sing you home to your Enchanted Heart once again.
diomira.substack.com (https://diomira.substack.com)